In just a few short weeks, Southern Baptists from all around the nation and world will gather in Anaheim, California for the Annual Meeting. Here are some of the issues going on and things to be praying for ahead of this year’s meeting…
1 - The SBC Presidency.
-As I noted in a previous post, the current SBC President has decided not to seek a second term (which is fairly unusual).
This has brought about a fair amount of politicking among potential candidates.
As of right now, there does not seem to be a front-runner in the race.
-First Baptist Church of Keller Texas held a Presidential Candidate forum — something unprecedented in the SBC —for the three candidates to talk openly about their platforms.
You can watch the forum here.
The candidates each presented their ideas for what is most needed in the Convention at this time.
I’m not sure this is a positive development as it seems to be making the Presidency more and more political.

-This is a crucial time in the life of the SBC, and we need solid leadership who will lead us with integrity, honesty, and biblical truth.
Some things to Pray for...
Pray for the candidates.
Pray for the election.
Pray for the future of the convention.
Pray that God would install the right man for the times.
Pray for peace in the convention.
2 - The Guideposts Report on Sexual Abuse.
-At the 2021 convention, the messengers approved hiring Guideposts Solutions to conduct an internal investigation into the SBC Executive Committee regarding the handling of sexual abuse allegations.
The report is due to be published just ahead of the convention meeting.

Some things to Pray for...
The details of the report.
A commitment to truth and clarity.
A commitment to justice and righteousness.
For victims or abuse and assault.
For God's justice to be done.
3 - The Pastor’s Conference.
-Each year, there is an SBC Pastor’s Conference held the day prior to the convention. This conference is not put on by the convention, but is intimately tied to it.
Historically, the Pastor’s conference has played a major role in the life of the convention. It was through the influence of the Pastor’s conference that the Conservative Resurgence in the late 1970’s and into the 1980’s took hold and won the victory over liberalism.
Since then, the conference has not played as much of a role, but over the last few years, there seems to be jockeying within the Pastor’s Conference leadership over the direction the conference needs to take.
There was some controversy ahead of the 2020 Conference, but it ended up being canceled due to Covid.
This year, there are several men running for the Presidency of the Pastor’s Conference.
Some things to Pray for…
The Pastor’s Conference gathering.
That Pastors would be challenged and encouraged.
That God would guard against factionalism.
4 - Missionaries being Commissioned.
-During the Convention itself, usually on the first night, the International Mission Board holds a missionary commissioning service.
It is typically a very moving and meaningful time for the missionaries being commissioned and for the convention.
It is a time to be reminded of our primary mission and goals.
Some things to pray for…
Pray for the missionaries that will be commissioned.
Pray for the messengers that will be in attendance.
Pray that God would use the service to call more missionaries.
Pray for the Convention’s commitment to worldwide missions.
Pray for gospel fruit through Southern Baptist efforts.
5 - Pray for Unity among the Messengers.
-Here is a good article calling for a godly attitude among the conference attendees.
Some things to Pray for...
Passion for our shared mission.
Wisdom for our family gathering.
Patience with each other.
Commitment to prayer.
6 - The Potential Protests.
-The convention itself is in downtown Anaheim, a city not known for the same conservative worldview as the SBC. There are usually lots of protesters on the streets around the convention, but I imagine there will be more this year just due to the location.
Some things to pray for...
Pray for the conference attendees to have an open heart to those who may be protesting.
Pray for gospel encounters and gospel fruit.
Pray for safety.
