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What is the Trinity?

Who is God and What is He?

Ephesians Sermon Series

Why Christmas

Wednesday Night Series -
What We Believe

Psalms of Thanksgiving

Wednesday Night Series - Spiritual Disciplines

The Book of Ruth

The Book of Titus

Pastor Ben Francis | For the Sake of Greater Faith | Titus 1:1-4 (Audio Only)

Pastor Ben Francis | For the Sake of Greater Faith | Titus 1:1-4 (Audio Only)

Pastor Ben starts a new series as we study through the book of Titus starting with Titus 1:1-4. Main Idea: God’s people are called to obedient, godly living, which comes through right knowledge of God. -What was going on in Crete? What do we know? 1 - Greater faith comes through the Knowledge of The Truth. (v. 1) We ought always to remember that at the center of our faith is an infinite God Who has entrusted to us an infallible Word. From salvation until heaven, true faith will always be ______________ and growing. 1 Cor. 15:3-4. 2 Pt. 1:19. Heb. 5:11-6:1 2 - Greater Faith and Knowledge of God Produces Godliness. (v. 1) -As Christians grow in the faith and knowledge of God, this will _______________ godliness in them. -The point here is twofold: 1 - Galatians 5 2 - Hebrews 5 3 - Godliness is grounded in the Eternal Plan of God, and He never Lies. (v. 2) Romans 8:17 Rm. 10:13; 2 Tim. 1:1; 1 Jn. 2:25. -By God’s grace, I learn to measure God not by my ______________ in this world, rather, I measure the experiences of this world in light of the truths of God and the promises He makes. 4 - All of this Comes through the Revelation of Jesus Christ, which is the Content of our Preaching and our Shared Faith. (v. 3-4) -By _________________ the revealed Word of God with the preaching of that Word, Paul is shedding light on his own role, but more importantly, the role and task of the Church: -What is common among us is ____________ _____________. He is our knowledge, He is our godliness, He is our hope of eternal life, He is God Who never lies, He existed before the ages of time began, He made the promise to save, He was incarnated as man at the proper time, and now He commissions His church to proclaim this wonderful Word. Now What? - Is my Faith Increasing?
Pastor Ben Francis | A Church Out of Order? | Titus 1:5 (Audio Only)

Pastor Ben Francis | A Church Out of Order? | Titus 1:5 (Audio Only)

Pastor Ben continues our new series as we study through the book of Titus in Titus 1:5. Main Idea: God is clear in His Word concerning His design and order for His Church. -The Doctrine of the Sufficiency of Scripture: We believe the Bible is ______________, it is Clear, Necessary, Inerrant (w/o error), Infallible (incapable of being wrong), and Sufficient (all we need). 2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter 1:19-21; 2 Peter 1:3 Titus 1:5 1 - What is a Church Out of Order? -What was going on in Crete? Lack of ______________ church leaders (1:5-9) False teachers and false teaching (1:10-16; 3:9-11) Lack of right discipleship (2:1-3:8) Men (2:2, 6-8) Women (2:3-5) Employees (2:9-10) -So, what is the anecdote for a Church out of order? 1 - 2 - 2 - What is a Church in Order? — (Baptist ecclesiology) -Right Doctrine/Teaching. -What’s the Purpose: Right teaching keeps us face-to-face with God. It keeps us tethered to the Truth, through which comes a growing faith and a secure hope of eternal life (Titus 1:1-3). Right Ordinances. Baptism. Communion. What's the Purpose: The ordinances are commanded by the Lord Jesus (Mt. 28; Lk. 22:19). Baptism and Communion are physical and spiritual acts of the Church that keep us near the ____________. Right Leadership. Elders. Deacons. What's the Purpose: Right leadership ______________ the church, builds it up, and cares for it. Right leadership oversees that she is healthy, thriving, and cared for. Right Membership. Regenerate/ Meaningful church membership. Heb. 10:24-25; 13:17 What's the Purpose: Membership gives us protection, identity, place, and meaning. It is the soil in which our spiritual roots are to grow and find nourishment. Christianity demands membership in the church. There is no such thing biblically as “Church at home,” or “church apart from a Church.” Right Discipleship. Men, women, children, families. What's the Purpose: Right discipleship grows our _____________, helps us to mature from spiritual infants into spiritual adults. Through discipleship, the Kingdom of God grows and expands into the lives of God’s people. Right Mission. Evangelism. Church Planting. What's the Purpose: Jesus set about bringing the Kingdom of God through preaching the good news. The church is called to this same work. We are the body of Christ; we live out His mission. We make Jesus known to the world by sharing the gospel and starting Kingdom outposts called local churches. Now What? - Striving to Be a Church in Order. 1 - As individuals, we must ask… Am I submitting to God’s design by placing myself under qualified leadership in Christ’s Church? Have I been obedient to the ordinances? Am I being guarded through church membership and faithful discipleship? Am I burdened by the mission that Jesus has given to His church? 2 - As a Church, we must ask… Do we have a right structure of leadership in place? Are we teaching sound doctrine? Are we practicing the ordinances in accordance with Jesus’ commands? Are we practicing biblical Church membership? Are we effectively discipling our people? Are we going with the gospel of Jesus to the world?
Pastor Ben Francis | Elders - God’s Shepherds for His People, Pt. 1 | Titus 1:5-9 (Audio Only)

Pastor Ben Francis | Elders - God’s Shepherds for His People, Pt. 1 | Titus 1:5-9 (Audio Only)

Pastor Ben continues our series on the book of Titus as we study through Titus 1:5-9. Main Idea: God gives His Church qualified, godly men to watchover and guard His people through the Word of God. Titus 1:5 1 - What are Elders? -These three terms are used interchangeably. 1 - “Elder” — occurs ______ times in the NT. (Ex. 3:18; 12:21; Ezra 5:5; 6:7, 14; Deut. 19:12; 21:3) The Biblical Elder is recognized as an authoritative ____________ leader of the community. There were Presbuteroi (Elders) in the churches of Jerusalem (Acts 11:30; 15:2, 4, 6, 22-23’ 16:4; 21:18), the church in Galatia (Acts 14:23), the church at Ephesus (Acts 20:17; 1 Tim. 5:17, 19), the church at Crete (Titus 1:5), the churches of Asia Minor (1 Peter 5:1), and other Jewish assemblies (James 5:14). 2 - “Overseer” — Occurs 5 times in the NT. This title emphasizes _____________. Acts 20:28; Philippians 1:1; 1 Tim. 3:2-7; Titus 1:7-9; 1 Peter 2:25. 3 - “Pastor” —Occurs only once in the NT (Eph. 4:11) Shepherd-Teacher. 2 - What do Elders mean in Crete? -Why do Elders matter in Crete? - What was going on in Crete? (1:10-11, 16; 3:10). -What do these qualifications reveal about the men who can serve? — Paul intends for us to understand these qualifications in 2 ways. First, they are authoritative qualifications for any man, at any time, who would serve as an Elder. Second, they are meant to contrast true Shepherds from false ones. 3 - What kind of Men must Elders Be? -In a phrase, Elders must be “Godly Men.” — Paul gives 18 qualifications listed here for Titus (v. 6-9). What Elders must Not be. -Paul lists several negatives: An Elder will not be _______________/Arrogant. An Elder must not be Quick-Tempered or Easily Angered An Elder will not be a Drunk or Violent/literally, one who strikes. An Elder, Paul says, is not Greedy; not controlled by money. From 1 Tim. 3:6, An Elder must not be a Recent Convert to Christianity. What Elders Must be. 1 - Godly in their homes. -An Elder must be Committed to his wife: -An Elder must be a Godly Father: The Bible regards the home as the ____________ ____________ for Christian leaders. A man who cannot lead his home cannot lead the church. 2 - Godly in their lives. - -An Elder must be Above Reproach (v.6): Paul lists this quality _________. An Elder will be Hospitable: A lover of Good: An Elder will be Self-controlled and Disciplined as a way of life: An Elder will be Upright and Holy: 1 Jn. 3:7; Psalm 1 In 1 Tim. 3:6, Paul adds that he must be Well-thought of by outsiders. 3 - Courageous for the Truth. -An Elder must hold fast/be firmly committed to the Word of God. 1 - So that they may _____________ Sound Doctrine. The primary task of the Elder. 2 - So that they are equipped to ____________ and Correct those who oppose sound doctrine (v. 9). 2 Pt. 2:1. Now What? - Following God’s good Design. -Healthy Churches ____________ they have Qualified men in Spiritual Leadership. Healthy leadership blesses a people. -Healthy Churches Work to have a Biblical Leadership Structure. Biblical structures lead to healthy church function. -Healthy Churches _________ and Submit to Godly, Qualified Leadership. When churches get structure right, and submit to it, God blesses it.
Pastor Ben Francis | Elders - God’s Shepherds for His People, Pt. 2 | Titus 1:5-9 (Audio Only)

Pastor Ben Francis | Elders - God’s Shepherds for His People, Pt. 2 | Titus 1:5-9 (Audio Only)

Pastor Ben continues our series on the book of Titus as we study through Titus 1:5-9. Main Idea: God gives His Church qualified, godly men to watchover and guard His people through the Word of God. Having heard what the Bible says about what Elders are, and who they are to is important for us to know: What do Elders do? -The picture we get from Titus, and the rest of the NT, is that Elders provide Godly leadership in local Churches in ____________ ways. 1 - Teacher: 1 Tim. 3:2; 5:17; 2 Tim. 4:2; Titus 1:9; Eph. 4:11. Preaching involves the __________ of God, which ____________ on Jesus, and it never truly makes sense until the Holy Spirit opens our eyes and ears to see and hear it. 2 - Elders Shepherd (Pastor): Acts 20:28-29; 1 Pt. 5:1-4 3 - Prayer: Acts 6:1-4, 1 Tim. 6:12 4 - Leadership: -The job is too big for any __________ man to do alone; much less, effectively. Titus 1:6; 1 Tim. 3:4-5. __________________ is to be willingly given among Elders and to Elders, but never demanded (Heb. 13:17; 1 Pt. 5:3). 1 - Elder leadership pursues the justice and uprightness of God. Elders value what God values. 2 - Elder leadership means rightly using God given authority. 3 - Elder leadership means _____________ the truth of God; calling the people to God’s vision for their lives. 5 - Equipping - Elders are to be actively equipping the people of God. And the Bible gives 2 specific areas: 1 - The next _____________ of Elders to minister alongside them and to plant new churches. 2 Tim 2:2 2 - The people of the Church for the work of the Ministry. Eph. 4:11 Now What? - Following God’s good Design. -Healthy Churches Ensure they have Qualified men in Spiritual Leadership. -Healthy Churches Work to have a Biblical Leadership Structure. Biblical structures lead to __________ church function. -Healthy Churches Follow and Submit to Godly, Qualified Leadership. When churches get structure right, and submit to it, God blesses it.
Pastor Ben Francis | NT Deacons: Servants in the Household of God | Acts 6/1 Tim. 3/Tit. 1:5 (Audio)

Pastor Ben Francis | NT Deacons: Servants in the Household of God | Acts 6/1 Tim. 3/Tit. 1:5 (Audio)

Pastor Ben continues our series on the book of Titus as we study through Acts 6; 1 Tim. 3; Titus 1:5. Main Idea: New Testament Deacons serve the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, aiding the Elders by meeting needs and leading the practical ministries of the Church. What do People think Deacons Do? -The story of the first deacons in Acts 6 gives us both the reason and blueprints for the Deacon office… In this young church, a problem of _______________ arose. The God-ordained solution is: ______________. 1 - Deacons are Godly Men -In Acts 6, we see that such men must be godly and full of the Holy Spirit. In 1 Tim. 3, Paul gives a specific list of qualities that man must meet before he is permitted to serve as a Deacon. Positively Dignified: Hold the Mystery of the Faith with a Clear Conscience: Tested: Blameless: A faithful Husband: A Godly Father: Negatively Not Double-Tongued: Not a Drunkard: Not Greedy for Dishonest Gain: Their Wives/ The Women Dignified Not Slanderous: Sober-Minded: Faithful in All things: The Reward awaiting the Deacon: A good standing and a _____________ faith. 2 - Deacons Serve the Mission of the Church. -Deacons _______________ the Elders. -Deacons _____________ the Church. Now What - Following God’s Good Design -Healthy Churches recognize the _______________ of godly, qualified Deacons. -Healthy Churches Ensure they have a biblical practice of Deacon Ministry. -Healthy Churches Value and ______________ their Deacons.

Wednesday Night Series - Journey Through the Bible

The Gospel of Mark

Pastor Ben Francis | The Character of Christian Discipleship: Part 1

Pastor Ben Francis | The Character of Christian Discipleship: Part 1

Pastor Ben shares from the Gospel of Mark on the The Character of Christian Discipleship. Main Idea: The Word of God gives a clear picture and description of the Christian Disciple; how we are to be and live as we walk with Jesus. -What does “Disciple” mean? A “learner.”—To be a Christian disciple means being a learner of Christ. • “Discipling is inviting [someone] to imitate you, making your trust in Christ an example to be followed. It requires you to be willing to be watched and then folding people into your life so that they actually do watch.” - Mark Dever 1 - Surrender to God’s Will. (8:34-37) -Focus Texts: • Following Christ: 1:17; 2:14; 3:35; 5:37; 8:34-38; 10:21, 28-30; 12:44. • Surrendering to God: 1:27; 4:41; 4:23, 25; 10:11. • Doing God’s Will: 3:35. -The goal of Christian Discipleship in Mark (specifically 8:34) is the surrender of a self-generated, self-determined life; we must un-learn the world and re-learn Jesus. Application Q’s: To what extent am I surrendering to God’s Will? Obeying God? How am I teaching others to surrender to God’s will? Who is surrendering to God more because of my example? 2 - Faith in God. (11:22-24, 31) -Focus Texts: • Believing: 1:15; 5:36; 9:19, 24, 42; 10:27; 11:23-24, 31; 13:11, 21; 15:32; 16:6 — • Having Faith: 2:5; 4:40; 5:34; 10:52; 11:22. -This means that we are conforming to God’s purposes and putting the weight of our trust on His will as we turn away from rebellious self-centeredness. • It means consciously entrusting ourselves to Jesus in the midst of doubt and unbelief (Mk. 9:24). o Constructive Doubt: o Deadly Doubt: o Mark 14:32-36. Application Q’s: To what extent am I trusting in God? To what extent am I teaching others to trust in or doubt God? 3 - Prayer. (11:25) -Focus Texts: 1:35; 6:46; 9:29; 11:25; 13:18; 14:32-36, 38. -Prayer means learning to agree with, conform to, and surrender to God’s purposes—it means consciously putting my desires and will under God’s… Application Q’s: Do I pray? What is the regular content of my prayers? How am I teaching others to pray rightly and often? How am I leading others to pray the will of God? 4 - Watching over/Guarding the Heart. (4:1-20; 7:14-32) -Focus Texts: • Watching over your heart: 3:5, 29; 4:1-20; 6:50; 7:6, 10, 14-23 • Seeking Purification: 8:15, 17-21, 33; 9:42-47, 49; 10:5, 35-44; 11:23; 12:30, 33; 14:36. -If I am to keep my focus on Jesus and surrender to His will, I must keep a close watch of the condition of my heart. • Mark 8:33; 14:36 Application Q’s: To what extent am I guarding/watching over my heart? How am I teaching others to guard their own hearts? Am I leading others in confession and repentance? -Jesus clearly leads His disciples to watch over/guard their hearts against sin; all attitudes and actions arise out of (thus reveal) the core of a person (7:21) • Mark 8:17-21 • Mark 7:20-22 Reflection and Application • Are these things true of Me? • Where do I need to grow? • We might I need to repent?
Pastor Ben Francis | The Character of Christian Discipleship: Part 2

Pastor Ben Francis | The Character of Christian Discipleship: Part 2

Pastor Ben continues to share from the Gospel of Mark on The Character of Christian Discipleship. Main Idea: The Word of God gives a clear picture and description of the Christian Disciple; how we are to be and live as we walk with Jesus. 5 - Humility and Service (10:42-45) -Focus Texts: • Humble service to others: 1:31; 10:45 • Teachable: 9:35, 37, 41; 10:13-16, 42-44. Application Q’s: To what extent am I humbly serving God? How am I humbly serving others? How am I teaching others to serve in humility? 6 - Forgiveness. (11:25) • Forgive (2:7, 10; 11:25) • Forgiveness (1:4; 3:29) -Biblical Forgiveness is defined: To send [sin] forth, or send [sin] away; to completely cancel the debt [of sin]. • 1) A remission of the punishment due, 2) followed by complete removal of the offense. Application Q’s: To what extent do I understand my forgiveness in Jesus Christ? Do I relate forgivingly to others? How am I teaching others to understand and live out Christ’s forgiveness? • Biblical forgiveness is a necessary ingredient for a healthy Christian life and church. 7 - Withstanding Temptation (14:38) Application Q’s: To what extent am I withstanding temptation and being watchful? How am I guarding myself and others against temptation by pointing myself and others to Christ? 8 - Confessing Christ (5:20) • Confessing Christ to all (8:38; 14:30, 31, 72). • Proclaiming Christ (5:20; 13:10; 16:15). Application Q’s: To what extent am I confessing Christ in the presence of God? In the presence of other human beings? How am I teaching others to confess Christ? • Jesus clearly intended that His disciples be with Him; and that they go out proclaiming Him.
Pastor Ben Francis | Lord of the Sea | Mark 6:45-56 | Palm Sunday

Pastor Ben Francis | Lord of the Sea | Mark 6:45-56 | Palm Sunday

Pastor Ben continues to share from the Gospel of Mark on the Lord of the Sea from Mark 6:45-56 for our Palm Sunday message. Main Idea: Jesus' authority over the wind and the sea demonstrate His identity as God and as the One we can trust. 1 - What Happens: The (3) Miracle(s) -John 6:15; Matthew 14:24 Miracle #1: Miracle #2: Miracle #3: -How do the disciples respond to the storm? How do they respond to Jesus? Matthew 14:28-32 Mark 6:52 What does the disciples’ hard-heartedness mean? Mark 3:5; hard-heartedness means not ________ Jesus. 2 - What’s the Point? -Mark is driving us to see that while the Disciples knew Jesus, they did not ___________ Him. -The loaves anticipate the sea: 1) Problem 2) Provision 3) Presence Reflection and Application: Do I trust Jesus? Am I Trusting Jesus? Main Idea: Jesus' authority over the wind and the sea demonstrate His identity as God and as the One we can trust. Faith is not believing in God. Faith is ____________ God; it means ___________ Him and His Word enough to act. -The Disciples are faced with a situation in which their trust (or lack of trust) must come to the surface. Who/what we truly __________ becomes clear when a crisis situation confronts us. -The Anatomy of Unbelief: How does it function in our lives? What does it do? -Romans 1:19-21 - The Progression of unbelief… -How unbelief functions in my life... So, how are you responding to Jesus during this Covid-19 crisis? Are you trusting Jesus? Or are you trusting someone or something else? 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 Matthew 10:28-33...
Pastor Ben Francis | Traditions and Commandments | Mark 7:1-13

Pastor Ben Francis | Traditions and Commandments | Mark 7:1-13

Pastor Ben continues to share from the Gospel of Mark on Traditions and Commandments from Mark 7:1-13. Main Idea: Jesus is more concerned with our hearts than with our religious behavior. 1 - The Pharisees Intentionally try to Trap Jesus. (v. 1-5) -Empty tradition __________ faith of its true intention. -Jesus was a __________ to their way of doing things. Their Pharisees concern had gone beyond the Bible; they were in self-preservation mode. Once something is ___________, its hard to stop much so that it had become self-evidently right. 2 - Jesus Rebukes the Pharisees for False Religion. (v. 6-13) -Jesus’ response to their self-evident ritual shows the ______ __________ of the relationship between the supposed authority of tradition and the Will of God. -The Isaiah 29:13 quote -True religion is __________ relationship with God. -Vain religion is concerned first with behavior/____________ to tradition; not with relationship. Corban: A way ______________ the Law. Traditions become dangerous when traditions become ______________ from Biblical Authority. Mark 2:22 - Where do we go beyond the Bible? Where have we erected barriers? -Do we have Southern Baptist commandments and traditions that have added to and go beyond the Bible? 1 - We have ______ ____________ that seek to fill in gaps: _____________. 2 - We have __________ characteristics we over enforce: ______________. 3 - We have traditions: _____________. Reflection and Application - Religion or Relationship? -Cold religion leads to self-reliance, and self-reliance leads to defilement. -Praise God for the Gospel! What does the Gospel say to this? The Gospel gives us a _______ _______ of cleanliness and purity. The Gospel gives us a right view of _____________. The Gospel frees us from the prison of self-reliance. The Gospel frees us from needing to add things to Scripture, making it about us, giving us the control our sinfulness craves. The Gospel frees us to _______ God and do all He says without _________ for our own preferences. The Gospel frees us to let God ________ new wineskins when new wineskins are needed. The Gospel frees us to follow God with full hearts and blank checks.
Pastor Ben Francis | It Proceeds from the Heart | Mark 7:14-23

Pastor Ben Francis | It Proceeds from the Heart | Mark 7:14-23

Pastor Ben continues to share from the Gospel of Mark on what defiles our hearts from Mark 7:14-23. Main Idea: True spiritual defilement comes from the heart. The Pharisees genuinely think they’re religions when they _____ __________. 1 - The Jewish Approach to Godliness & Our Modern Approach. -Israel’s idea of godliness rooted in ________. -The word defilement means to “make something ____________.” The intention of the Law had to do with heart... -Yet the Pharisees stopped short of the heart, adopting the idea that “the ritual righteousness.” -For the Pharisees, defilement was something that was totally external: What are our modern ideas about sin and sinfulness? Sin vs. sins? 2 - Jesus’ Teaching about Defilement and its Source. -His teaching takes place in two arenas: A public pronouncement (parable) to the crowd in v. 14-16; A private explanation to His disciples in 17-23. -What is it that Jesus is saying? -A true relationship with God exists in the _________. -How are our hearts broken? Jesus explains in a painfully accurate way: Actions: Evil thoughts; sexual immorality (porneia); thefts; murders, adulteries; literally greedinesses/coveting (notice the arrangement and pairs) Vices: Wickedness; deceit; sensuality; an evil eye/envy; Blasphemy; Pride; and foolishness. -The righteousness that you wear proudly as a robe is but the ___________ around your neck. Why are we tempted to be religious and not honestly come to God? Because God _______ _____our sin. “The reason why sinners find so much fault with God is that God finds out their faults. Man’s resentment [at having his sin identified] and touchiness, his being so petty toward God, are clear examples of man’s defilement.” - Ralph Venning, The Sinfulness of Sin, 1669. Reflection and Application: Where and What is Holiness? Is There Hope for Me? What is true holiness? Gal. 3:10 Holiness is Being ______ _______ with God -Christ died, not because our hands are dirty, but because our __________ are dead. (Eph. 2:1) 2 Cor. 5:21 Is there hope for the self-righteous sinner? John 20:31
Pastor Ben Francis | The Healing of a Deaf Man | Mark 7:31-37

Pastor Ben Francis | The Healing of a Deaf Man | Mark 7:31-37

Pastor Ben continues to share from the Gospel of Mark on the healing of a deaf man from Mark 7:31-37. Main Idea: We cannot truly hear and understand the things of God until Jesus opens our ears. 1 - The Deaf Man. Isaiah 35 Genesis 1:31 2 - The Deaf Disciples. -This whole scene is a ______________ for the disciples. -A summary of chapter 7... 7:1-13 - 7:14-23 - 7:24-30 - 7:31-37 - -The Disciples are ___________: This miracle scene is a ____________ for what’s wrong with the disciples, and for how Jesus will heal them. Who is the deaf man? Reflection and Application - How does Jesus unstop our ears and free our tongues to speak? 1 - Jesus unstops our ears and frees our tongues by __________ us from sin. Jesus is clear, it is our own hearts that keep us from God, thus we must repent and come to Him in faith. Romans 3:23; 6:23 — Jesus both desires, and promises, freedom over sin in our lives. 2 - Jesus unstops our ears and frees our tongues by ___________ us in His Word. Heb 4:12; 2 Tim 3:16; Col. 3:16. - Jesus intends that we have powerful experiences in Scripture. 3 - Jesus unstops our ears and frees our tongues by _____________ us through discipleship. Heb 3:12; Phil 2:12; 1 Cor. 11:1; Heb. 10:24-25 — Jesus intends that others change us for His glory. 4 - Jesus unstops our ears and frees our tongues by giving us a _________ __________ of Who He is. Acts 9 - Jesus will interrupt our lives with a glorious revelation of WHO HE IS!

Faith in Hard Times

Pastor Ben Francis | “A Pillar and Buttress of the Truth” | 1 Timothy 3:15 (Audio Only)

Pastor Ben Francis | “A Pillar and Buttress of the Truth” | 1 Timothy 3:15 (Audio Only)

Pastor Ben starts a new series with the start of the new year as we study 1 Timothy 3:15. We will continue the study on the Gospel of Mark in a few months. Main Idea: The NT Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is to stand firm on and for the Word of God. -There will always be ______________ for the church to focus on something other than what God has commanded—sin always wants to... Distract: Detract: -Paul’s Instructions to the Ephesian Church -Avoid false teaching and teachers (1:-11; 4-1-5; 6:3-5) -Understand and holding to the true gospel of Jesus Christ (1:12-20) -Right prayer (2:1-7) -Right headship structure (2:8-15) -Right church ____________ (3:1-13; 5:17-25) -_____________ for Pastors (4:6-16); the church should pay attention. -Practical ministry instructions for the church (5:1-16) -Importance of __________ out faith before a watching world (6:1-2) -Godly contentment (6:6-10) -Fighting the good fight: __________ (6:11-21) -The church is to be a pillar and buttress of ____ __________. Through teaching and through ___________. “7 Letters” -In the coming months, we will look at 7 churches, all of whom are struggling with various things: Right doctrine but no love; A persecuted church admonished to stand strong; A church that tolerates false teaching and teachers; A church so lazy that Satan doesn’t even bother with trying to distract it; Achurch with opportunity encouraged to be bold; A church that is blind to its own sinfulness. Now What? - We ought to resolve ourselves to be a pillar and buttress for the truth of Jesus Christ in 2021. Communion is a ____________ of His sacrificial death, burial, and resurrection. Communion is a reminder of why we have the hope of salvation; It is a reminder of _________ we entered into the glorious hope of the gospel, if we have entered... Colossians 3:3 -Communion is for the Christian; the one who has confessed Jesus Christ as Lord and repented of their sins 1 Cor. 11:27-31 -The bread and the cup—1 Cor. 11:23-26 The bread: vv. 23-24 The cup: 25-26
Pastor Ben Francis | A Letter to Thyatira, The Compromising Church | Revelation 2:18-29

Pastor Ben Francis | A Letter to Thyatira, The Compromising Church | Revelation 2:18-29

Pastor Ben continues our series "Faith in Hard Times" as we study Revelation 2:18-29. Main Idea: The New Testament Church of Jesus Christ must stand firm against false teaching by purging it from her midst knowing all that Jesus has promised her for holding fast. We can almost see a ____________ in these 3 letters: Pergamum (Tolerant), Thyatira (Compromising), Sardis (Dead). 1 - Tolerance leads to Compromise. -What’s going on in Thyatira? -Who is “Jezebel?” 1 Kings 16:31 2 - Guarding the Holiness of the Church. -Who is Jesus? -“Holding fast” in v. 25 means… To conquer… -Why church discipline is important… It is practicing for ________ (Rev. 2:26). It seeks repentance and restoration (Mt. 18:15-20). It ____________ the church of God against the corruption of sin (1 Cor. 5:1-7). -The “Morning Star”: The world will hate the church for standing against sin, Jesus told us this (Mt. 5:10-11). We will receive Him in full (1 John 3:2). A return to the pre-fall _________ where Adam is commissioned to govern the world. -Now What? - The Lord Jesus calls His Church to stand firm against false teaching by purging it from her midst knowing all that Jesus has promised her for holding fast. 1 - Churches are to be holy by standing against Sin. 2 - Churches are to hold fast to the gospel by purging sin from their midst. 3 - Churches are to have confidence in this hard work knowing their King and Savior is with them and promises them eternal blessing.
Pastor Ben Francis | A Letter to Sardis, the Dead Church | Revelation 3:1-6 (Audio Only)

Pastor Ben Francis | A Letter to Sardis, the Dead Church | Revelation 3:1-6 (Audio Only)

Pastor Ben continues our series "Faith in Hard Times" as we study Revelation 3:1-6. Main Idea: Churches must always be watchful, keeping her eyes always on Jesus, and guarding against the compromise that leads to death. Churches can be at ________ with King Jesus and not even know it. 1 - The Danger of Compromise. -Jesus begins His letter to Sardis starkly— He simply finds them ______________. The ____________ of the cross in that community had ceased to exist. James 4:4. -Characteristics of a Declining Church: Few newcomers. Newcomers cannot discern the ___________ and ___________ of the church. Newcomers find it difficult to get involved. Factions/groups form within the body. Church buildings begin to show their age. Everything is well organized and structured, but it is difficult to find people to serve on the numerous boards, ministries, and committees. Programs that no longer serve their __________ are allowed to eat up resources b/c they’ve always been there. Few changes are proposed. The pastor/leadership is self-satisfied with past achievements, focusing on managing. Attendance is declining. -This was Sardis; and this could be ________. This danger is present for every church. 1 Sam. 16:7. 2 - The Remedy for Compromise. -Jesus gives the church two remedies for dealing with their situation… 1 - Strengthen what remains. 2 - Stay true to the things of Jesus Christ. Now What? - Holding fast to King Jesus. 1 - I must ______________ hold fast to King Jesus: Compromise happens as I look to things other than Jesus. 2 - As a ___________, we must hold fast to King Jesus: He is our King; our Chief Shepherd, Senior Pastor (1 Pt. 5:1)

TBC Mission Statement Study

Pastor Ben Francis | What is the Mission of Theresa Baptist Church | Matthew 28:18-20 (Audio Only)

Pastor Ben Francis | What is the Mission of Theresa Baptist Church | Matthew 28:18-20 (Audio Only)

Pastor Ben takes a break from our study in the Gospel of Mark as we study what is the mission of Theresa Baptist Church. - “Nothing precedes ____________. The starting point for every church should be the question, ‘Why do we _________?’” Main Idea: A Mission Statement will help us remember who we are, what we are called to, and where we are going. 1 - God has a ___________ in the World. -Gen. 12:1-4 -Exodus 19:5-6 -2 Samuel 7:4-17 (Mt. 1:1) -Jeremiah 31:31-34 -Mark 10:45 -Luke 4:16-21 -Luke 19:10 -Romans 5:6 -2 Corinthians 5:19 -God’s Mission in the world is _________ Himself by saving a people through sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for sin and rise to life. 2 - God ____________ the Church for that Mission. -Matthew 28:18-20 “The task of God’s people is rooted in the mission of Jesus Christ.” - Corbett and Fikkertt. -Mark 13:10 -Acts 1:8 -Acts 2:42-47 -1 Corinthians 1:2 -1 Corinthians 1:18-31 -1 Corinthians 10:31 -2 Corinthians 3:5-6 -Ephesians 4:11-16 -Colossians 1:28-29 -1 Peter 2:9 -Jude 3 -God’s mission in the world has been entrusted to the NT Church: We are to glorify God by making much of Jesus Christ in two primary ways: ___________ and ____________. Reflection and Application - Are we Carrying Out God’s Mission? -We must answer the question, “Why do we exist?” We must answer it first and foremost from ____________: Why does God say His church exists? We must answer from our history: Why were we founded? -We must also ask the questions: Where are we? Where are we going? Proposed Church Mission Statement from the Strategic Planning Team: Theresa Baptist Church exists to Glorify God through Growing disciples who Go with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Glorify Grow Go
Pastor Ben Francis | Glorifying God: The Mission of TBC | Psalm 19:1 (Audio Only)

Pastor Ben Francis | Glorifying God: The Mission of TBC | Psalm 19:1 (Audio Only)

Pastor Ben continues our study on what is the mission of Theresa Baptist Church by looking into the first focal point of our mission statement. Main Idea: In order to glorify God, we must first understand the Glory of God. -God’s Glory: The sum total of His attributes on display. When we say God’s glory, we mean everything that’s true about Him all put _____________. 1 - The Glory of God is seen in His Essence. His alone: Shared: 2 - The Glory of God is seen in His Presence and Appearance. -We see God present with His people in the __________________: -We see God present with His People in Jesus Christ: John 1 Hebrews 1:3 -We see God present with His people through the _______________: John 14:16; 15:26 Acts 1:8, 4:8 Galatians 5:22-23 3 - The Glory of God is seen in His Creation. -We see God’s glory in the natural world. Psalm 19:1 Psalm 8:1 Romans 1:20 Matthew 6:26 -We see God’s glory in _____________. Gen. 1:27 Ps. 8:5 -“We live in the _______________ of God’s glory.” Reflection and Application: Glorify God! -The application of God’s glory in our lives is to _____________ Him. To glorify God means that we tell the __________ about Him through our lives. It means ____________ His reputation. 1 Corinthians 10:31 1 - We glorify God in what we say. 2 - We glorify God in what we do. Proposed TBC Mission Statement -Theresa Baptist Church exists to Glorify God through Growing Disciples who Go with the gospel.
Pastor Ben Francis | Growing in Christ: The Mission of TBC | Colossians 1:28-29 (Audio Only)

Pastor Ben Francis | Growing in Christ: The Mission of TBC | Colossians 1:28-29 (Audio Only)

Pastor Ben continues our study on what is the mission of Theresa Baptist Church by looking into the second focal point of our mission statement. Main Idea: Christian maturity comes through the hard work of ongoing gospel correction and teaching. 1 - Growing in Christ means Warning/Admonishing Everyone. (V. 28) -Reproving _____________; instructing and _____________; encouraging; prompting. 1 Cor. 4:4 1 Thess. 5:14 2 Thess. 3:15 Heb. 3:12-13 Heb. 10:24 -Admonishment is _____________ the responsibility of the pastors/shepherds (Acts 20:31; 1 Pt. 5:2) -Admonishment is not ____________ the pastors’ responsibility. Mt. 18:15; Gal. 6:1; 2 Thess. 3:14-15. 2 - Growing in Christ means Teaching Everyone. (V. 28) -The giving of ____________. Lev. 10:11. Deut. 6:4-9. -“The church gathers together for formal teaching and oversight and then __________ into the community throughout the week, during which time we are called to the informal tasks of personal __________ and oversight.” Acts 2:46. Reflection and Application: Growing in Christ is slow, hard, eternal work. -Col. 1:29 -“The Christian life is a _______-______________in the same direction.” - Peterson. Proposed Mission Statement: Theresa Baptist Church exists to Glorify God through Growing Disciples who Go with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When we say we exist to grow disciples, we mean that we exist to be _____________ about following Jesus.

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